Psychological evaluation of a child involves a detailed and professional process to understand in depth the needs, capacities and psychological state of the child.

The problems children face can vary from generation to generation due to cultural, technological and social changes. Thus, psychological assessment must keep pace with the new challenges of life and the specific needs of children of each generation. In this context, it is advisable that the psychological assessment be carried out by qualified and accredited psychologists who are able to adapt to these changes. The correct psychological assessment adapted to the new challenges of life is crucial to give children the support they need, which is why choosing an accredited and competent psychologist is an essential step.
- Purpose of evaluation: Psychological evaluation of a child can have various purposes, such as diagnosing mental disorders, evaluating development and school performance, identifying special educational needs, planning therapeutic interventions, or assessing aptitudes and interests for educational and vocational guidance.
- Varied Methods: Assessment of children may involve a range of methods and tools, including clinical interviews, psychological testing, behavioral observation, developmental assessments, aptitude assessments, and emotional state assessments.
- Involvement of parents: Parents have an essential role in the assessment process of their child. They can provide valuable information about the child’s history, his behavior at home and in social contexts.
- Holistic assessment: Psychological assessment of children should be a holistic assessment, taking into account cognitive, emotional, social and behavioral aspects. This should take into account the family, school and social environment of the child.
- Professionalism: Psychological assessment of children should be carried out by qualified professionals such as clinical or school psychologists, psychiatrists or other child mental health specialists. It is important to adhere to ethical and professional standards during the evaluation.
- Communication and interpretation: The results of the assessment must be communicated clearly and comprehensibly to the parents or other persons responsible for the child. Interpretation of the results should provide a thorough understanding of the child’s needs and provide recommendations for appropriate interventions.
- Confidentiality and respect: Information obtained during the assessment should be treated with confidentiality and respect for the rights and privacy of the child and family.
The psychological assessment of children is much more complex than issuing a simple certificate.
The result of a psychological assessment for children, even if it was requested to complete a specific file, is an important signal for parents.
- Identifying the child’s problems or needs: The results may reveal specific problems or needs of the child, such as mental health disorders, learning difficulties, delayed development or others. This information can serve as a signal for parents to seek help or appropriate interventions.
- Guidance for intervention: The assessment can provide parents with recommendations for interventions or treatments to help the child overcome identified difficulties. This can be a signal to act in the right direction to give the child the necessary support.
- Deeper Understanding: Assessment can help parents better understand their child’s behavior, thoughts, and emotions. This can help improve communication and the relationship with the child.
- School or therapeutic planning: Assessment results can influence decisions about the child’s education and therapy, such as choosing an appropriate school or specialist therapist.
- Reducing stigma: By identifying and addressing the child’s problems or needs as early as possible, you can help reduce stigma and ensure that the child receives the necessary support to develop healthily.
It is recommended that parents receive the evaluation results with openness and talk with the licensed psychologists who performed the evaluation to fully understand the meaning of these results. Together they will prioritize certain activities that contribute to the healthy development of the child.
It is important for parents to be aware of their children’s problems and needs, regardless of their nature and severity, in order to be able to make correct decisions regarding them. Deep understanding of your child can help you communicate better and make better decisions about education and other important aspects of your child’s life.