World Robot Conference 2024 – broad prospects and huge market potential

Gadget Time / Tips | Aug 27, 2024

China hosted the 8th World Robot Conference in Beijing from August 21-25. This conference featured over 30 major events and 80 smaller events, with over 140 competitors and participants from over 7,000 teams from 10 countries.

At the end of the Beijing Conference, Premier Li Qiang pointed out that the robotics industry has “broad prospects and huge market potential.”

People’s attitude towards robots has changed enormously in recent years. If only a few years ago robots were perceived as a topic of discussion, nowadays they are present in various forms in our daily activities. Robots have surpassed the stage of imaginary tools that will be used by our children when they are adults. Robots are tools that we are now forced to get used to.

The emergence and rapid development of robots is simultaneous with the increasing distance between social levels. Unfortunately, the attitude towards these new tools will considerably influence the evolution of the distance between social levels. Our current attitude towards robots will have predictable consequences. Those who are now following our decisions in this regard will definitely know where we will end up in the next period.

The direction has been decided. We will continue together with the robots. With industrial and personal robots. With humanoid robots. The big question is “when will I start?”. The perspective is wide.